Monday, December 29, 2008

The Golden Year of 2009!!!

Last Saturday I just kicked off a Band event called the Album Campaign. I know the name is a bit lame...but well...more precise mah. After all, I am not a very creative fella. This campaign will include a session where all band members write their resolutions for 2009, doing a quarterly review about their resolutions, collecting their dialogues done and also finally, writing a victory report at the end of 2009. Year of Youth and Victory, the whole band will report their victory to Sensei next year...

I haven't write my fact, I am still thinking about it. I have a few in my mind of course, but still thinking of what to write officially. Nowadays pretty busy organising the recital competition in band that will start off in January and February. Actually, we are very tight for time and I am pretty worried about the results that will be out in terms of the benefits that the band member will gain. Doesn't seem to be very bright because of the time constraint.

I foresee a very busy 2009. Marching towards 2010 Charity Culture Show, I have many things I want to achieve. I think the first and foremost would be a successful recital haha. That's the nearest I can find... What about the rest? Lets list:

1. Pass with distinction for my ABRSM Clarinet Grade 7 (paid RM400 for it leh..)
2. Graduate with a CGPA above 3.20. (My Chemistry results are quite horrible)
3. Complete my minor and major scales and focus more on etudes...
Practice more...after class nothing to do, go back home practice! Holiday, practice 4 hours.
4. Have a great performance in April for Music Appreciation (I hope we are playing Phantom of the Opera...damn nice!) and Music Fest in June!
5. Do a lot of dialogue within band, Student Division and main stream. Talk more to my junior..
6. Human revolution...geez...this will take another page to write man!
7. Read read and read...Must do Human Revolution reading everynight.Strive to read Cosmic and Flow every month.
8. Chant more...hahah...

What else huh? Probably have some more...maybe I will give myself time to think about it on the 31st Dec of 2008, then write down my resolutions...